Friday, October 26, 2012

Unit 5 Summary

                                                      Unit 5 Summary

I found this assignment to be helpful when making a judgement call on a certain resource.I can look through all these databases and look at hundreds of book titles,and preview and review all the books I can but unless I actually go out to the library,check it out and read it,all I can do is make educated guesses and assumptions and hope for the best.The Cannell Library Book Catalog I actually found to be the most helpful and was truly confident it had information supporting my topic.The Summit Catalog was pretty helpful as well and I thought was very user friendly in helping out your search by taking away those extra seconds looking at irrelevant information and giving you a little more convenience.I didn't find the Book24x7 to be very helpful in my search,now don't get me wrong I would definitely use that site for educational purposes on a certain subject I want to learn but I don't think it was helpful for research at all.I found Google Books to be an ok site for research but it seems to me like its more of a shopping website than a research website and provides a huge spectrum of books,rather than a selection of books that will help me on my research topic.But overall I found each of these websites to be helpful in their own way and will use them for future reference.

Unit 5 - Types of Information: Focus on Books


            Unit 5 - Types of Information: Focus on Books

I found the Cannell Library Book Catalog to be very helpful and had a lot of resources available.

Search terms:The internet and privacy
Author:Jasper,Margaret C.
Title:Privacy and the Internet : your expectations and rights under the law
Publication Info:Dobbs Ferry, NY : Oceana Publications, 2003.
Location:Cannell Second Floor
Call No:KF1263.C65 J38 2003
Circulating book or E-book:Circulating Book
Subject:Data protection,the internet,privacy,law and legislation,United States,rights
Clues:One of the clues to trusting this book is the list of laws it displays illustrating to you how many laws are out there to protect your privacy,it may be close to a decade old,however I believe that's when the concern started to begin.
I found the Summit Catalog to have a lot of different resources of information and really helps you with the side filter to help you narrow down exactly what you're looking for.

Search terms:The internet and social life
Title:The internet and society
Publication Info:
Malden, MA : Polity, 2000.
Location:Lewis & Clark College
Call No:HM851 .S58 2000
Circulating book or E-book:Circulating Book
The internet and social aspects,computers and civilizations,information society
Clues: This books seems trusting because it seems to go deep into relating the internet to our culture and communications with one another and how new technology makes a big impact into our modern society.

I found that Book24x7 wasn't as helpful in the type of material I was looking for on the subject.It seems to be more of an education database filled with guides and how-to books and books meant for educational purpose rather than books focusing one person's perspective on a subject.

Search terms:The internet and culture
Author: Manuel Castells,Mireia Fernandez-Adrevol,Jack Linchuan Qiu,Araba Sey 
Title:Mobile Communication and Society:A Global Perspective
Publication Info: The MIT Press 2007 
Location:On the Web
Circulating book or E-book:E-book
Communications,Social aspects,Mobile Communication systems,Information Technology
Clues:To tell you the truth I don't know how trusting this book is to really touch on the topic but after reviewing the contents inside and looking over the other results I believe this to be the most relevant find.

I found Google Books to helpful in its own way.In my opinion I believe its more for buying books than actually reviewing and providing a full overview of whats inside.

Search terms:The internet and education
Author:Anil Aggarwal
Web-Based Education: Learning from Experience
Publication Info:Idea Group IncMay 2003

Circulating book or E-book:E-book
Web based education,learning from the internet
Preview:Didn't give me a good preview at all,only showed me 10 pages out of 472.
Clues: This is book doesn't really answer my question but it supports aspects of the topic the question came from and found this to be the most relevant find.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Unit 4 : Exploring Types of Information

              Unit 4 : Exploring Types of Information

1) Is a vegetarian diet healthier than a meat-based diet?
For this topic I would use an Academic Journal to gather your resources with.Mainly because they are written by experts in the particular field and are usually widely available.Another source I would use are Books.There are tons of health books out there,some available on campus even.

2) Target often forces musicians to alter lyrics in order to have their CDs sold in Target stores. Is this censorship?  
 For this question I would use a Reference book to start with like an Academic Encyclopedia to get a clear understanding of what censorship really is and if this falls under that category.I would also check Scholarly Journals to see if they are any situations regarding censorship that resembles this one.Books and Websites would be an acceptable place to look as well.

3) How much more can a college graduate expect to earn over someone with a high school diploma?
I would start of with Reference books for this one,specifically a Statistical Source,as long as it shows information supporting this question.Like they say,statistics don't lie.A couple more resources I would use is are Scholarly Journals,Magazines,and Newspaper considering this topic is a current issue in our society.

4) Should educators use commercial services to combat plagiarism.?
For this topic I would use Magazines and Newspapers.This is an opinion issue,and would most likely find a wide variety of opinions in these sources rather than others that simple just show factual information.

5) Is the current lack of sunspot activity affecting global warming?
For this question I would use a Scholarly Journal,specifically a Scientific Journal that shows detailed research, background information,and an analysis on the subject.

Research questions 

1)How has the internet affected privacy?
I would start off using Magazines and Newspaper because this has been a widespread concern of our society for awhile now.I would also use Reference books like an Encyclopedia meant for that subject to get good understanding on both subjects.Books would be a good source as well to show a detailed overview.

2)Has the internet improved or damaged the way society communicates with each other.Has it made us more socially lubricant or is it slowly making us anti-social?
For this question I would start off with Magazines or Newspaper to see if there was a similar concern posted in one of them.But for good reliable information I know I can locate I would use Books and Reference Books that give a good overview of the topic.I would also try Websites to see if any people had similar questions of their own.

3.)Is the internet helping us educate ourselves with all the resources aimed to help people learn about almost anything,or is it helping us dumb ourselves down with all the resources aim to only entertain you?
For this question I would start off with Magazines,and Newspaper,maybe even some broadcast media.Questions like these can sometimes be a matter of opinion,so these sources would be the most opinionated information available on the subject that you would most likely find.I would also try Books and Encyclopedias pertaining to this subject.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Unit 3 summary

                                   Unit 3 summary

I found this assignment to be very informative and helpful to people who don't know many research tools.I like how you can expand on one subject in a lot of different ways and everything doesn't have to be so broad or narrow.The IRIS tutorials were really helpful in many ways,but the most helpful was all the references we were given to help all the little things people have trouble with when exploring a topic.It definitely helped me pick up a few little things to make my future research just that much more convenient.
I found that the Gale Virtual Reference Library was the most helpful in researching for this topic,it gave the full on details of what aspect of the topic I wanted to research,however I did have my doubts at first,mainly because I'm a Google guy but after reading article after article,overview after overview found this database very informative and most likely wouldn't find the information just from Google.Wikipedia helped a lot as well,didn't give me all the details I wanted but it gave me an idea.Always been a fan of the way the site has been structured,a very good overview of the topic with little details but It informs you on all factors of that topic and definitely leaves you walking away with information in your head.To tell you the truth,Wikipedia was my main tool for papers in High school,however on this particular assignment I'm going to have to favor in the Gale Virtual Reference Library.The topic I picked was the internet because I'm a huge fan and a huge user of the internet. The way I see it is the internet has everything.It has information, resources, entertainment, media, communications, and is constantly developing.Its always alive and never asleep,its so complicated and simple at the same time.Also there's so many different topics that go along with the internet,you have the privacy and security issues people are always worried about,you have the piracy issue that many people seem to enjoy but Hollywood and the government don't seem to like.You could go on hours talking about the protocols that go along with it like TCP/IP,HTTP,FTP,TCP and many other p's and how computers communicate using these protocols to talk on the internet with one another.You could talk about the revolution of the internet and how it is always growing,and along with the attempted censorship of the internet that the government try to pull not too long ago but didn't end up in their favor(yay!).But the best thing about the internet is that anyone can use it to express their opinions about something and the worst thing about the internet is that anyone can use it to express their opinions about something,it's the most beautiful thing in the world and it's the most terrifying thing at the same time.

Unti 3: Research question

Research questions:

1.)How has the internet affected privacy?

2.)Has the internet improved or damaged the way society communicates with each other.Has it made us more socially lubricant or is it slowly making us anti-social?

3.)Is the internet helping us educate ourselves with all the resources aimed to help people learn about almost anything,or is it helping us dumb ourselves down with all the resources aim to only entertain you?

Unit 3 Exploring Topics:Wiki

Research Journal Unit 3 Exploring Topics: Wikipedia 

  Keywords I found:Internetwork,protocols,TCP/IP,e-mail,newsgroup,online games,World wide web,resources,web pages,hyperlinks,URL,ISP,discussion forums,social networks,online shopping,instant messaging, VoIP,Ip addresses,data transfer,the cloud,computer literacy,search engine,file sharing,computer file,encryption.


Wikipedia is always good choice to me,even if it doesn't go too much into details.But it's got very good information about the internet.From where it began,how it works,how it communicates,how data gets across and gives a good description without using complicated terminology that normally confuses the average person.It gives good info on the revolution of the internet,social impact and entertainment and how certain governments want to censor and limit the contents of it especially when it comes to religious and political information.


I can't cite any sources from this page,don't know who wrote it,when they wrote it,or how many people were involved in writing it. 

Unit 3 Exploring topcs:GVRL

Research Journal Unit 3 Exploring Topics: Gale Virtual Reference Library

 The topic I chose for unit 3 was the internet.I chose it because not only because I'm a huge fan of the web but also because the internet is the kind of topic that acts as home directory for other topics.Whether it be security,privacy,information,education,and communication.The very idea of the internet sometimes amazes me.I started researching the topic using the Gale Virtual Reference Library found from the Clark website. 

Keywords I found: Web,World wide web,TCP/IP,privacy,network,protocols,digital,copyrights,intellectual property,internet marketing and services,communications,electronic messaging,the cloud,cyberspace,cyber culture,community,social networks.


The article that I seemed to enjoy the most was an article about predicting the computer revolution,it was written over 20 years ago,and explained how PC's will become as ubiquitous as the telephone was back in those days,and how mail will compete with e-mail,and how internet chat rooms will have a lot more communication than through the phone.(Even though he probably didn't predict the whole social network aspect)And how using the PC as a gateway into a new virtual world will change the world we see here today.

Source citation

"The Next Computer Revolution." Peled, Abraham. Scientific American 257, no. 4, October 1987, 57, 59, 64. American Decades Primary Sources. Ed. Cynthia Rose. Vol. 9: 1980-1989. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 604-607. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 12 Oct. 2012.
Document URL

Gale Document Number: GALE|CX3490201808


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Avoiding plagarism

Tyler Spencer    Ctech 115

1. Last summer, my family and I traveled to Chicago, which was quite different from the rural area I grew up in. We saw the dinosaur Sue at the Field Museum, and ate pizza at Gino's East. 
Everything in this paragraph is common knowledge and there's no need to cite common knowledge.

2. Americans want to create a more perfect union; they also want to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for everybody.
 This is a transcript from The Constitution and should be in quotations marks and cited acknowledging the source.

3. I find it ridiculous that 57% of high school students think their teachers assign too much homework.
 This is a statistic result on a study of high school homework,a percentage is stated and should be cited to verify their claim.

4. Martin Luther King was certain that nobody would want to be contented with a surfacy type of social analysis that concerns itself only with effects and doesn't deal with root causes.
This uses mainly the exact words of the article and should be quoted,the rest of it seems to be paraphrased.The author's name isn't enough and the article should be cited.

5. Martin Luther King wrote that the city of Birmingham's "white power structure" left African-Americans there "no alternative" but to demonstrate ("Letter from the Birmingham Jail" para. 5).
Everything here seems correct and appropriately cited.

6. In "Letter from the Birmingham Jail," King writes to fellow clergy saying that although they "deplore the demonstrations taking place in Birmingham, your statement fails to express a similar concern for the conditions that brought about the demonstrations."
This one seems to be correct as well.I think it has a different style manual than the one before though.

7. My friend Kara told me that she loves living so close to the ocean.
This is information between two friends and does not need to be cited.

8. Americans are guaranteed the right to freely gather for peaceful meetings.
This is common knowledge,and as long as nothing is quoted from The Bill of Rights(unless it was quoted properly)then this seems to be correct as well.