Friday, October 26, 2012

Unit 5 Summary

                                                      Unit 5 Summary

I found this assignment to be helpful when making a judgement call on a certain resource.I can look through all these databases and look at hundreds of book titles,and preview and review all the books I can but unless I actually go out to the library,check it out and read it,all I can do is make educated guesses and assumptions and hope for the best.The Cannell Library Book Catalog I actually found to be the most helpful and was truly confident it had information supporting my topic.The Summit Catalog was pretty helpful as well and I thought was very user friendly in helping out your search by taking away those extra seconds looking at irrelevant information and giving you a little more convenience.I didn't find the Book24x7 to be very helpful in my search,now don't get me wrong I would definitely use that site for educational purposes on a certain subject I want to learn but I don't think it was helpful for research at all.I found Google Books to be an ok site for research but it seems to me like its more of a shopping website than a research website and provides a huge spectrum of books,rather than a selection of books that will help me on my research topic.But overall I found each of these websites to be helpful in their own way and will use them for future reference.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Tyler:

    Nice summary describing the strengths and weaknesses of each resource. They are all useful for certain things but it helps to know what you can expect to find in each, which we explored a bit with this assignment.

