Thursday, October 4, 2012

Avoiding plagarism

Tyler Spencer    Ctech 115

1. Last summer, my family and I traveled to Chicago, which was quite different from the rural area I grew up in. We saw the dinosaur Sue at the Field Museum, and ate pizza at Gino's East. 
Everything in this paragraph is common knowledge and there's no need to cite common knowledge.

2. Americans want to create a more perfect union; they also want to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for everybody.
 This is a transcript from The Constitution and should be in quotations marks and cited acknowledging the source.

3. I find it ridiculous that 57% of high school students think their teachers assign too much homework.
 This is a statistic result on a study of high school homework,a percentage is stated and should be cited to verify their claim.

4. Martin Luther King was certain that nobody would want to be contented with a surfacy type of social analysis that concerns itself only with effects and doesn't deal with root causes.
This uses mainly the exact words of the article and should be quoted,the rest of it seems to be paraphrased.The author's name isn't enough and the article should be cited.

5. Martin Luther King wrote that the city of Birmingham's "white power structure" left African-Americans there "no alternative" but to demonstrate ("Letter from the Birmingham Jail" para. 5).
Everything here seems correct and appropriately cited.

6. In "Letter from the Birmingham Jail," King writes to fellow clergy saying that although they "deplore the demonstrations taking place in Birmingham, your statement fails to express a similar concern for the conditions that brought about the demonstrations."
This one seems to be correct as well.I think it has a different style manual than the one before though.

7. My friend Kara told me that she loves living so close to the ocean.
This is information between two friends and does not need to be cited.

8. Americans are guaranteed the right to freely gather for peaceful meetings.
This is common knowledge,and as long as nothing is quoted from The Bill of Rights(unless it was quoted properly)then this seems to be correct as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Tyler:

    You seem to grasp how to avoid plagiarism as well as properly acknowledge a source. These are valuable and important skills to have. You also have some resources for how to verify you are correctly citing your sources; librarians, online as well as print style manuals.

