Friday, November 2, 2012

Unit 6-Database Features and Searching Techniques


      Unit 6 - Database Features and Searching Techniques

1.Will presidential election reform solve the issues with the Electoral College and the popular vote?

1st statement:election and reform and "Electoral College" and "popular vote"

final statement:"presidential election reform" AND ("Electoral College" OR "popular vote")

2. Does television advertising by the pharmaceutical industry have an impact on prescription drug abuse?

1st statement:"television advertising" and pharmaceutical and (industry or compan*) and prescription and "drug abuse"

final statement: pharmaceutical AND advertising AND prescription AND "drug abuse"

3.Does anti-smoking advertising by the tobacco industry lead to increased smoking among youth?

1st statement:"anti-smoking advertising" and (tobacco or cigarette) and (industry or compan*) and smoking and (youth or kids or children) 

final statement:"anti-smoking advertising" AND "youth smoking" AND (industry or compan*)

4.Target often forces musicians to alter lyrics in order to have their CDs sold in Target stores. Is this censorship?

1st statement:Target and musicians and censorship

final statement: (Walmart OR Target)AND musicians AND censorship? 

5.What are the similarities between the Great Depression of the 1930s and the current economic problems?

1st statement:similarities and "Great Depression" and "current economic problems" 

final statement:("Great Depression" OR "current economic problems") and similarities  
 Research question:
Is the internet helping us educate ourselves with all the resources aimed to help people learn about almost anything,or is it helping us dumb ourselves down with all the resources aim to only entertain you?

1st statement: internet and resources and education and entertainment

final statement:internet AND resources AND (education OR entertainment)  

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Tyler:

    You are developing a good understanding of how to construct a search statement using boolean connectors and truncation. One word of caution, don't put quotes around the phrase unless that is the only phrase you want the database to find, I think that youth AND smoking would be more effective for that question, as you observed there are many ways to describe age, teenager, adolescent, young adult so you want to try and capture as many of those variations as possible.
    Your search statement looks good, you should be observant of your results and see if there are other subjects or keywords that describe your areas of interest.

